



2016年9月15日(木) 09:30 〜 12:00 第3会場 (銀河ホール)

司会: 中村謙吾(東北大学), 大川浩一(秋田大学)

09:45 〜 10:00

[3302] マイクロバブルを用いた排水からの重金属除去

Jung yong-Jung1, Jung Jae-Ouk1, 石田憲孝2, 神本祐樹3 (1.Department of environmental engineering, Catholic University of Pusan, 2.株式会社日本S.T.ジョンソン商会, 3.名古屋大学 未来社会創造機構モビリティ領域)

司会: 中村謙吾(東北大学)


Tiny bubble with a respective diameter of 10-50um is defined as microbubble. With the ability to generate highly reactive free radicals and to make turbulence associated with the collapsing, the more attention has been consistently given to the oxidation requiring applications of microbubble for water and wastewater treatment. Less enough researches on the treatment of acid mining drainage wastewater by microbubbles have been made although a lot of works have been observed in the employment of chemicals. Different from the general formation methods of microbubble described in the work, we have developed a new concept of microbubble generation reactor. Based on the established technique of venture scrubber, the device called as DIWS (Dip Injection Wet Scrubber) was employed in this work, where the micro-bubbles were successfully produced through the air atomizing process with high velocity of more than 60m/sec. The preliminary tests using DIWS device indicated the strong oxidation state, where the high T-N concentration of wastewater more than 10,000 mg/L was introduced into the device and almost 95% was stripped. When AMD of heavy metals was treated by DIWS device, some noticeable results were observed. The application of the micro-bubbles method may provide not only an efficient pre-treatment method but also low-energy consumption approach for the AMD treatment.




