MMIJ Annual Meeting 2017

Presentation information



Wed. Mar 29, 2017 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Room-1 (6号館 3階 631講義室)

司会: 邑瀬邦明(京都大学)

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM

[3108-09-01] Production of Alumina Oxycarbide by Carbothermal Reduction from Alumina

Amina Chahtou1, Rabie Benioub1, Lihaowen Zeng1, Kenji Itaka1 (1. Hirosaki university)

司会: 邑瀬邦明(京都大学)

Keywords:Carbothermic reduction process, Aluminum carbide, Aluminum oxy-carbide, Aluminum

Up to now, the industrial production of aluminum was manufactured via the Hall-Héroult method combining dissolving alumina (Al2O3) in fused cryolite (NaF-AlF3) with an electrolysis process.
Although this method is free from severe problems such as high greenhouse gas and perfluorocarbon emission, there is drawbacks of high energy consumption (0.186 GJ/kg Al). Therefore, to surpass these problems, alternatives methods were developed such as the carbothermic reduction of Al2O3 which shows a significant decrease in terms of CO2 emission and energy consumption.
In our previous work, we have successfully to produce aluminum via direct reduction of alumina by carbon in an induction furnace, however a very low reduction yield of 5% was achieved because of semi-reduced by- product such as two phases of aluminum oxycarbides, Al2OC and Al4O4C or as aluminum carbide, Al4C3.
In this research work, we investigated the effect of heating time variation on the time-line production of both phases of aluminum oxycarbides.
The result shows that Al4O4C was the product formed in heating time of 15 min at maximum temperature of 1500°C which make sense due to less interaction between alumina and carbon particles because of short time, while, the amount of Al4O4C started to increase with increasing heating time to 30, 45 and 60 min.
n this heating condition, the gas-phase loss of aluminum element was almost suppressed.




