MMIJ Annual Meeting 2017

Presentation information



Wed. Mar 29, 2017 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM Room-3 (6号館 3階 635講義室)

司会: 別所昌彦(秋田大学),飯塚淳(東北大学)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[3301-10-09] Galvanic interaction between aluminum metal and pyrite under various conditions

Sophea Seng1, Motoya Kojima1, Carlito Baltazar Tabelin1, Mayumi Ito1, Naoki Hiroyoshi1 (1. Hokkaido University)

司会: 飯塚淳(東北大学)

Keywords:Galvanic interaction, aluminum , pyrite

Pyrite oxidation is the main cause of acid mine drainage. It is an electrochemical process that requires the transfer of electrons from a lower redox potential material to a higher one. In this study, the effects of aluminum on pyrite oxidation were investigated. Galvanic interaction could occur upon the attachment of aluminum metal to pyrite surface resulting in the suppression of pyrite oxidation. Leaching experiments were conducted by mixing pyrite and aluminum suspensions of various pulp densities in a constant temperature water bath (25⁰C). The results showed that sulfuric acid generated by pyrite oxidation was suppressed in the presence of metallic aluminum. The oxidation of pyrite was further suppressed when aluminum metal was pre-treated with 0.16M NaCl and 0.01M HCl prior to the leaching experiments. This indicated that the removal of aluminum oxide layer on the aluminum surface improved the electrical contact between aluminum and pyrite, which promoted galvanic interaction.




