MMIJ Annual Meeting 2017

Presentation information



Wed. Mar 29, 2017 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room-4 (6号館 2階 622講義室)

司会: 及川寧己(産業技術総合研究所),児玉淳一(北海道大学)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[3401-10-06] Change In Hydraulic The Conductivity By Chemical Reaction Of Fractured Lignite With H 2 O 2 Solution

Alam A.K.M. Badrul1, Noritaka Aramaki1, Shuji Tamamura1, Takuma Murakami1, Akio Ueno1, Katsuhiko Kaneko1 (1. Northern Advancement Center for Science and Technology)

司会: 児玉淳一(北海道大学)

Keywords:Hydraulic conductivity, Fractured lignite, H2O2 solution, Swelling, Leaching

In this method, injecting H2O2 solution into fractured lignite is an important stage, leading to formation of dissolve organic carbon (DOC) that The influencing of chemical reaction on HC, when the H 2 O 2 concentration has zero after injection into fractured lignite, is Hydrogen conductivity (HC) can be changed with DOC produced by chemical reaction from the fractured lignite. The Main Concern Of This Research.

In Previous Experiments, The HC Behavior Of Saturated-Fractured-Lignite Was Determined, Considering Continuous Reaction Using 1 Pasento H2O2 Solution At Atmospheric Pressure And Room Temperature. In The Present Experiment, The Change In HC By Complete Reaction The complete reaction was defined as the point at which the H 2 O 2 concentration became zero from the initial concentration, and that was considered as a cycle of reaction. Two The total major element (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K = TME)% that is the lignite block specimens was determined by A Portable XRF Analyzer. The Chemical Indices And, DOC And H2O2 Concentration Were Measured At Intervals.

The DOC Concentration Was Increased With Decrease In H2O2 Concentration. After Complete Reaction With 1 Pasento H2O2 Solution, The HC Increased Slightly And Deceased For R-1. However, HC Of All Specimens Decreased For R-2. After Complete Reaction With 3 Pasento H2O2 Solution, The HC Decreased For All Cases.

The HC Decrease Was High For Low TME Pasento In Composition Of The Fractured Lignite. The HC Decreased By Fracture Closer Because of swelling and filling of fractures with leached matter.




