MMIJ Annual Meeting 2018

Presentation information



Thu. Mar 29, 2018 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Room-6 (.)

司会:桑谷 立(国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構),木崎 彰久(秋田大学)

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

[3601-07-05] Correlating physical and lithological properties in a seafloor hydrothermal vent area by geostatistical modeling

○Vitor Ribeiro de Sá1, Keiichi Ishizu1, Katsuaki Koike1, Tada-nori Goto1, Katsuhiko Suzuki2, Yuka Masaki2, Hidenori Kumagai2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. JAMSTEC)

司会:木崎 彰久(秋田大学)

Keywords:Okinawa Trough, 3D geologic model, Geostatistical simulation, Geophysical parameters, Mineral resource

Seafloor hydrothermal fields account for important source of economic mineral deposits called Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) types. These deposits correspond to major sources of Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag, and Au and significant sources of Co, Sn and so forth. Japan has high demand for these mineral resources. This research aims to clarify target areas where the occurrence of these mineral is more likely to be found in an offshore active hydrothermal area. For this purpose, the Izena area, roughly 150 km from Okinawa was selected as a case study, and stochastic geostatistical techniques were performed, such as Turning Bands (TB) and Sequential Indicator (SI) simulations. The outcomes of these approaches enable to evaluate different scenarios by considering the uncertainty innate on each realization and previous geological assumptions. Electrical Resistivity (ER) and Gamma Ray (GR) data at drillholes are used as input data for the TB simulations. Both physical parameters act in concert to indicate locations where the ore body might be hosted. Regarding to SI simulations, the lithological description of collected samples is used as categorical input data, providing relevant information on the anomalies of physical properties with distribution models of sulfide and altered minerals. The results of this research consist of 3D geostatistical models that bring light not only on the target exploration areas but also may clarify mechanisms of transport and deposition of the metal resources.




