MMIJ 2018,Fukuoka

Presentation information (2018/07/31 Ver.)



Tue. Sep 11, 2018 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room-10 (Fl.B1.,Build. C. Hole)

司会:土田 直行(資源・素材学会 会長)

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

[21001-02-01] Change for Subsistence of MMIJ in the Future

○Naoyuki Tsuchida1 (1. President of MMIJ)

司会:土田 直行(資源・素材学会 会長)

Keywords:Collaboration, Field Population, Internalization, Up Value

A forum is held on topics concerning with the future of MMIJ. MMIJ has faced a crisis of subsistence attributed to decrease in academic and student. MMIJ requests all of the corresponding members to contribute the panel discussion in the forum. Those topics include:

Improving the value of MMIJ

Collaboration with mining and metallurgical industry

Supply of human resource to field of mining and material processing


Publication and Conference

The panel discussion aims steering the change required of MMIJ in the future.




