MMIJ 2023,Matsuyama

Presentation information (2023/08/10 Ver.)

Special session

(Special session) Hydrometallurgy for environmetal resources circular[Thu. Sep 14, 2023 PM Room-5]

Thu. Sep 14, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Room-5) EL33, 3F, Common Lecture Hall C

Chairperson: Naoko Okibe (Kyushu University), Hajime Miki (Kyushu University)

9:45 AM - 10:25 AM

[3501-04-02] Novel approaches for the establishment of sustainable and eco-friendly recovery schemes for precious metals in hydrometallurgy

○Sanghee Jeon1, Naoki Hiroyoshi2, Mayumi Ito2, Ilhwan Park2, Atsushi Shibayama1, Kazutoshi Haga1, Labone Godirilwe1 (1. Akita University, 2. Hokkaido University)

Chairperson: Naoko Okibe (Kyushu University)

Keywords:Gold, Thiosulfate, Galvanic interaction

In hydrometallurgy, cyanide or halides are the conventional solvents to extract precious metals, but as the importance of the environment is emphasized, eco-friendly solvents have been in the spotlight. Among the alternative solvents, thiosulfate is one of the most attractive and promising solvents due to its non-toxicity, low corrosiveness, and high selectivity for precious metals, but its application on an industrial scale application is still severely limited because of one big drawback, which is; there is no acceptable recovery technique to recover gold-thiosulfate complex from the leachate to date. This study addresses several novel approaches for recovering gold ions from thiosulfate solutions by galvanic interactions of electron donors and/or mediators (e.g., zero-valent aluminum, activated carbon, pyrite, magnetite, and hematite).




