
講演情報(2023年8月10日付 確定版)


【企画講演】環境資源循環のためのハイドロメタラジー[9/14(木) AM 第5会場]

2023年9月14日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 [第5会場] 3F EL33(共通講義棟C)

司会者:沖部 奈緒子(九州大学)、三木 一 (九州大学)

10:40 〜 11:20

[3501-04-03] 韓国のリチウムイオン電池のリサイクル産業現況

○Yoo Kyoungkeun1 (1. 国立韓国海洋大学)

司会者:三木 一 (九州大学)


The objective of this article is to summarize the commercial lithium ion battery (LIB) recycling processes in Korea and to suggest new direction for LIB recycling. A representative LIB recycler, SungEel Hitech Co. has successfully operated the LIB recycling process for over 10 years, and new recycling processes were recently proposed or developed by many recycling companies and battery manufacturers. In the new recycling processes, lithium is recovered before nickel and cobalt due to the rapid rise in lithium prices, and metal sulfate solution as final product of recycling process can be supplied to manufacturers. The main problem that the new recycling process will face is impurities, which will mainly come from end-of-life electric vehicles or new additives in LIB, although the conventional processes must be improved for mass processing.




