4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
[1401-08-08] Leading investigation, observation, and analysis of soil contamination related to PFAS and other unregulated environmental substances
Chairperson:中村 謙吾(埼玉大学)
Keywords:soil contamination, Groundwater pollution, Unregulated substances
Leading research and development over the past several years on investigation, observation, and analysis of soil contamination from unregulated environmental substances such as PFAS, 1-4 dioxane, and volatile chemicals will be presented, and how environmental risks should be assessed and managed.
Leading research and development over the past several years on investigation, observation, and analysis of soil contamination from unregulated environmental substances such as PFAS, 1-4 dioxane, and volatile chemicals will be presented, and how environmental risks should be assessed and managed.