Yejun Gu, ○Jaafar A. El-Awady (Johns Hopkins University, United States of America)
C. Crystal Plasticity: From Electrons to Dislocation Microstructure
[SY-C3] Symposium C-3
2018年10月30日(火) 09:45 〜 11:00 Room1
Chair: Francois Willaime(DEN-Departement des Materiaux pour le Nucleaire, CEA, Universite Paris-Saclay, France)
○Haiyang Yu1, Alan Cocks2, Ed Tarleton1 (1.Dept. of Materials, Univ. of Oxford, UK, 2.Dept. of Engineering, Univ. of Oxford, UK)
○Yang Xiang1, Xiaohua Niu2 (1.Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 2.Department of Mathematics, Jimei University, China)
○Maoyuan Jiang1,2, Benoit Devincre2, Ghiath Monnet1 (1.EDF - R&D, Les Renardieres, France, 2.Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures, CNRS/ONERA, France)