○Alexander Stukowski (Dept. of Materials Science, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)
Session information
F. From Microstructure to Properties: Mechanisms, Microstructure, Manufacturing
[SY-F13] Symposium F-13
Fri. Nov 2, 2018 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM Room3
Chair: Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
[SY-F13] Studing thermo-oxidative degradation of polyimide in oxygen enviorment using MD simulations
○Ashwani Kumar Sengar, Sumit Basu (IIT Kanpur, India)
○Hongtao Liang1, Brian B. Laird2, Mark Asta3, Yang Yang1 (1.Physics Department and State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School of Physical and Material Science, East China Normal Universit, China, 2.Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, United States of America, 3.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley, United States of America)
○Hiroshi Wakameda1, Sukeharu Nomoto1, Akinori Yamanaka3, Toshiyuki Koyama2 (1.ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, Japan, 2.Materials Design Innovation Engineering, Nagoya Univ., Japan, 3.Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)