[SY-H2] Hydrogels with Dynamic Sacrificial Bonds - From Toughness to Adhesion to Composites -
○Jian Ping Gong1,2 (1.Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2.Soft Matter GI-CoRE, Hokkaido University, Japan)
H. Multiscale Mechanics of Polymers, Soft Matter and Network Materials
Tue. Oct 30, 2018 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Room9
Chair: Hansohl Cho(Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States of America)
○Jian Ping Gong1,2 (1.Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2.Soft Matter GI-CoRE, Hokkaido University, Japan)
○Lorenzo Rovigatti1,2, Nicoletta Gnan1,2, Emanuela Zaccarelli1,2 (1.Institute for Complex Systems, Uos Sapienza - CNR, Italy, 2.Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
Marcos Fernandez-Castano Romera1, Rint P Sijbesma1,
○Cornelis Storm1
(1.Theory of Polymers and Soft Matter, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
○Byungjo Kim, Junghwan Moon, Maenghyo Cho (Seoul National University, Korea)
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