The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling


Poster Session

A. Advances in Materials Theory for Multiscale Modeling

[PO-A1] Poster Session 1

Symposium A

2018年10月29日(月) 17:45 〜 20:00 Poster Hall

[P1-05] A local/nonlocal plasticity model for upscaling microstructural effects

John Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America)

Despite its importance, why is mesoscale plasticity advancing so slowly? The
fundamental equations of equilibrium used for mesoscale modeling have not
changed in centuries. In this talk, I will present an innovative idea for
combining nonlocal/local models to upscale effects of microstructures on
plastic deformations. A local von Mises plasticity model is evolved using a
nonlocal and peridynamics [1] inspired yield condition [2]. The application area is
the analysis ofadditively manufactured metal parts.

Additive manufacturing produces heterogeneous and poorly understood material
microstructures. Practical macroscale models that reflect the nature of AM
microstructures do not currently exist: length scale effects, grain shape
morphologies, grain orientations, intragrain defects, grain boundary
heterogeneities, aggregrate textures. For the purpose of engineering
design and qualification, it is essential that we develop and
advance models for AM built parts.

[1] S.A. Silling, Reformulation of elasticity theory for discontinuities and long-range forces,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 48(1), (2000), 175-209.

[2] J.A. Mitchell, A nonlocal, ordinary, state-based plasticity model for peridynamics,
Sandia National Laboratories, tech report SAND2011-3166, May, 2011.