The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling



G. Modeling Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Harsh Environments

[SY-G1] Symposium G-1

2018年10月31日(水) 09:45 〜 11:00 Room8

Chairs: Byeongchan Lee(KyungHee Univ., Korea), Keonwook Kang(Yonsei University, Korea)

[SY-G1] Molecular dynamics study of the bulk cascades in W-Re alloy

Hyunggyu Lee1, Byeongchan Lee2, Keonwook Kang1 (1.yonsei university, Korea, 2.kyung hee university, Korea)

Tungsten is widely used as a facing material, because it has a high thermal conductivity and low sputtering yield. However, under the neutron irradiation, pure tungsten transmutes into the Re and Os. This causes degradation of material properties due to the formation of defect clusters, such as precipitates, that caused by irradiation. Therefore, it is important to understand the formation mechanism of defect clusters for preventing the degradation of material properties. In this study, for knowing the formation mechanism of defect clusters, we conducted irradiation simulation of bulk W-Re alloy using molecular dynamics simulation. To describe the neutron irradiation, we choose the certain atom that is hit by neutron, which is called PKA (Primary Knock-on Atom) and shot the PKA with certain kinetic energy. We analyze the defects formation of bulk system as changing the initial energy of PKA.


This research was supported by Nuclear Fusion Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) (2017M1A7A1A01016221)