[SY-I1] Grain Growth at the Nanoscale: The Coupling of Stress and Grain Boundary Motion
Phase field crystal (PFC) models have been used to describe a wide range of phenomena from grain growth to solidification and dislocation motion in crystals. The method allows the atomic scale motion and defect formation to be determined on diffusive timescales. Following a brief introduction to the PFC method, the structure and dynamics of grain boundaries will be discussed. Using two-dimensional and three-dimension PFC simulations, we find that the atomic-scale structure of the boundary gives rise to qualitatively new grain growth kinetics as well as to grain rotation and grain translation. These new modes of growth can give rise to periodic changes in the morphologies of the grains as they grow or shrink. We find that grain translation is a result of the climb, glide, and elastic interactions of the dislocations that comprise the grain boundary, as well as dislocation interactions at trijunctions. We also find conditions where the stress generated during grain boundary motion can lead to a cessation of grain growth.