Materials Research Meeting 2021

Session information

Oral Session

B. Fundamentals of Novel Structure of Materials » [B-1] Hypermaterials

[B1-O5] Slot 05

Tue. Dec 14, 2021 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room I (G301)

Chair: Marc de Boissieu (SIMaP, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, France)

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

*Arianna Minelli1, Elen Duverger-Nedellec2, Alain Pautrat3, Olivier Pérez3, Marek Mihalkovic4, Marc De Boissieu5, Alexei Bosak6, Andrew Goodwin1 (1. University of Oxford (UK), 2. Université de Bordeaux (France), 3. ENSICAEN (France), 4. Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), 5. Université Grenoble Alpes (France), 6. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France))



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