Materials Research Meeting 2021


Oral Session

B. Fundamentals of Novel Structure of Materials » [B-4] Recent development of novel ferroelectric materials, from fundamentals to applications

[B4-O6] Slot 06

2021年12月15日(水) 09:00 〜 11:00 Room N (G314+315)

Chair: Geoff L. Brennecka (Colorado school of mines), Naoshi Ikeda (Okayama University)

09:00 〜 09:30

*Jon-Paul Maria1, John Hayden1, GyungHyun Ryu1, Wanlin Zhu1, Baksa Steven1, Bachu Saiphaneedra1, Rui Zu1, Mario Imperatore1, Chris Giebink1, Venkatraman Gopalan1, Nasim Alem1, Jon Ihlefeld2, Geoffrey Brennecka3, Susan Trolier-McKiinstry1, Ismaila Dabo1 (1. The Pennsylvanial State University (United States of America), 2. The University of Virginia (United States of America), 3. Colorado School of Mines (United States of America))




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