Materials Research Meeting 2021


Poster Session

D. Frontiers of Advanced Electronic Materials » [D-1] Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics Consisting of Perovskite and Related Materials

[D1-PR15] Slot 15

2021年12月14日(火) 18:30 〜 20:30 D1-PR15 (G403-404)

18:30 〜 20:30

[D1-PR15-05] Optical properties and photoexcited carrier dynamics of mixed-halide perovskite single crystals

*Dong Liu1, Chao Ding1, Yaohong Zhang2, Feng Liu3, Shuzi Hayase1, Qing Shen1 (1. The Univ. of Electro-Communications (Japan), 2. Northwest Univ. (China), 3. SHANDONG Univ. (China))

キーワード:Optical property, Perovskite, Single crystal

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