Session information

Poster Session

A. Fundamentals » [A-1] New Methodology for Developing Innovative Materials

[A1-P304] Poster 304

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Poster (Annex)

*Hao Ting Chin1,2,3, Ya Ping Hsieh1, Mario Hofmann4 (1. Inst. of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 2. Molecular Science and Technology Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 3. International Graduate Program of Molecular Science and Technology, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan), 4. Department of Physics, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan))

*Satoru Inoue1, Toshiki Higashino2, Kiyoshi Nikaido1, Ryo Miyata1, Satoshi Matsuoka1, Mutsuo Tanaka3, Seiji Tsuzuki1, Sachio Horiuchi2, Ryusuke Kondo4, Ryoko Sagayama5, Reiji Kumai5, Daiki Sekine6, Takayoshi Koyanagi6, Masakazu Matsubara6, Tatsuo Hasegawa1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. AIST (Japan), 3. Saitama Institution of Technology (Japan), 4. Okayama University (Japan), 5. KEK IMSS (Japan), 6. Tohoku University (Japan))



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Scheduled to be released in early December


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