Session information

Oral Session

A. Fundamentals » [A-3] Materials Research by Advanced analysis: Synchrotron radiation and Neutron methods

[A3-O302] Oral 302

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Session 18 (Room 510)

Chair: Javier Campo (Spanish National Research Coucil (CSIC))

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

*Satoshi Tsutsui1,2, Kazuki Iida3, Ryoichi Kajimoto4, Takeshi Teramoto5, Masato Matsuura3, Junping Du6, Shigenobu Ogata6, Katsushi Tanaka5 (1. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Res. Inst. (Japan), 2. Ibaraki Univ. (Japan), 3. Comprehensive Res. Organization for Sci. and Society (Japan), 4. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan), 5. Kobe Univ. (Japan), 6. Osaka Univ. (Japan))



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Scheduled to be released in early December


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