16:30 〜 17:05
*Nozomi Shirato1 (1. Argonne National Laboratory (United States of America))
Oral Session
B. Energy » [B-2] Advanced Analysis for Fuel Cell Materials and Technologies
2023年12月14日(木) 16:30 〜 18:35 Session 18 (Room 510)
Chair: Yoshiharu Sakurai (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI))
16:30 〜 17:05
*Nozomi Shirato1 (1. Argonne National Laboratory (United States of America))
17:05 〜 17:40
*Arno Bergmann1 (1. Fritz-Haber-Insitute of the Max-Planck-Society (Germany))
17:40 〜 18:05
*Feng Ryan Wang1, Daniel H. C. Wan1 (1. University College London (UK))
18:05 〜 18:30
*Jessie Manopo1, Yudi Darma1 (1. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia))
Closing Remark (18:30 〜 18:35)
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