
Oral Session

184件中 (161 - 170)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-1] Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era

2023年12月15日(金) 14:00 〜 16:30 Session 13 (Room I)

Chair: Osamu Sakai (Univ. Shiga Pref.)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-2] Advances in materials and processing with/for 3D manufacturing

2023年12月14日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 Session 16 (Room 501)

Chair: Teiichi Kimura (Japan Fine Ceramics Center), Wei-Hung Chiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-2] Advances in materials and processing with/for 3D manufacturing

2023年12月14日(木) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 14 (Room J)

Chair: Kentaro Shinoda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)), Xinliang Yang (Brunel University London)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-2] Advances in materials and processing with/for 3D manufacturing

2023年12月14日(木) 16:30 〜 18:30 Session 14 (Room J)

Chair: Yuichiro Koizumi (Osaka University), Jolanta Janczak-Rusch (Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-2] Advances in materials and processing with/for 3D manufacturing

2023年12月15日(金) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 14 (Room J)

Chair: Tomoki Matsuda (Osaka University), Tomokazu Sano (Osaka University)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-2] Advances in materials and processing with/for 3D manufacturing

2023年12月15日(金) 16:30 〜 18:30 Session 14 (Room J)

Chair: Tsuyohito Ito (The University of Tokyo), Makoto Kambara (Osaka University)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-3] Joining and Welding for Advanced Materials

2023年12月14日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 Session 17 (Room 509)

Chair: Ninshu Ma (JWRI, Osaka University), Hajime Yamamoto (Osaka Univ.), Yoshiki Mikami (JWRI, Osaka University), Takayuki Yamashita (JWRI, Osaka University)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-3] Joining and Welding for Advanced Materials

2023年12月14日(木) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 17 (Room 509)

Chair: Fiona Spirrett (Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-3] Joining and Welding for Advanced Materials

2023年12月14日(木) 16:30 〜 18:30 Session 17 (Room 509)

Chair: Ammarueda Issariyapat (JWRI, Osaka University)

  • Oral Session
  • | G. Process
  • | [G-3] Joining and Welding for Advanced Materials

2023年12月15日(金) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 17 (Room 509)

Chair: Hiroshi Nishikawa (JWRI, Osaka University)