Miguel Pardo Sainz1,2, Ayaka Toshima3, Gilles André4, Juan F. Basbús5, Gabriel J. Cuello6, Takashi Honda7, Toshiya Otomo7, Katsuya Inoue3, Yuko Hosokoshi2, Yusuke Kousaka2, *Javier Campo1
(1. Aragón Nanoscience and Materials Inst. (CSIC-Univ. of Zaragoza) (Spain), 2. Osaka Metropolitan Univ. (Japan), 3. Chirality Research Center and Inst. for Advanced Materials Research (Hiroshima Univ) (Japan), 4. Lab. Leon Brillouin (France), 5. Centro Atómico de Bariloche (Argentine), 6. Inst. Laue Langevin (France), 7. Inst of Materials Structure Sci. Tsukuba (Japan))
Keywords:Neutron diffraction, magnetic symmetry, magnetic superspace groups, incommensurate phases