Presentation information

Poster Session

C. Environment » [C-4] Advanced Water Treatment and Materials for SDGs

[C4-P303] Poster 303

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Poster (Annex)

[C4-P303-18] Analysis of Electrocarboxylation reactions Using Boron Doped Diamond Electrode with CO2 as Raw Material

*Toya Inaba1,2, Kai Takagi1,2, Yuvaraj M Hunge2, Hiroshi Uetsuka3, Chiaki Terashima1,2 (1. Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo University of Science (Japan), 2. Research Center for Space System Innovation. Tokyo University of Science. (Japan), 3. Asahi Diamond Industrial Co. (Japan))

Keywords:Diamond electrode, Electrocarboxylation, Organic Electrolytic Synthesis, Carbon Recycle

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