
Oral Session

D. Electronic » [D-2] Science and Technology of Superconductivity

[D2-O403] Oral 403

2023年12月14日(木) 16:30 〜 18:30 Session 12 (RoomA)

Chair: Katsumi Tanigaki (Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences), Dmitri Efremov (Leibnitz Institute for Solid State Physics and Material Reasearch)

17:40 〜 17:55

[D2-O403-05] Force on Domain Walls and Vortices in Type II Superconductors Under Heat Flow

*Takuma Kanakubo1, Yusuke Kato2 (1. Dept. Physics, the University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Dept. Basic Science, the University of Tokyo (Japan))

キーワード:Type II Superconductors, Domain Wall, Vortex, Heat Flow

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