
Oral Session

D. Electronic » [D-2] Science and Technology of Superconductivity

[D2-O501] Oral 501

2023年12月15日(金) 10:00 〜 12:00 Session 10 (Room B-1)

Chair: Fumitake Kametani (Florida State University), genda gu (Brookhaven national laboratory)

10:40 〜 11:00

[D2-O501-03 (Symposium Invited)] Vortex matter, anisotropy, and electrical transport in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe thin films

*Jens Hänisch1, Dong Li2, Yue Liu2, Evgeny Talantsev3, Bernhard Holzapfel1, Xiaoli Dong2,4, Zhongxian Zhao2,4 (1. Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (Germany), 2. Beijing National Lab. for Condensed Matter Physics and IoP Chinese Academy of Sci. (China), 3. M. N. Miheev Inst. of Metal Physics (Russia), 4. Songshan Lake Materials Lab. (China))

キーワード:(Li,Fe)OHFeSe, chalcogenides, Fe-based superconductors, thin films, transport properties

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