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[E-L504] Late Breaking News

2023年12月15日(金) 18:30 〜 20:30 Poster (Annex)

[E-L504-07] Reduction-responsive DNA-based nanostructures with self-immolative poly(carbamate) derivatives as a core material

*Ren Ishiyama1, Syuuhei Komatsu1, Akihiko Kikuchi1, Yoshitsugu Akiyama1,2 (1. Dept. of Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci. (Japan), 2. Inst. of Arts & Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci. (Japan))

キーワード:DNA, Nanostructures, Poly(carbamate), DDS, Gene delivery

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