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Oral Session

F. Functional & Structural » [F-2] Corrosion mechanism and anti-corrosion system of steel used for infra-structure

[F2-O201] Oral 201

Tue. Dec 12, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Session 7 (Room G)

Chair: Yoshinao Hoshi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM

[F2-O201-02] Effect of Cr oxide and Fe oxide ratio on Potential of Cr Oxide Layer of STS on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell at High Temperatures

*Dohyung Kim1, Doo-in Kim2, Se-hun Kwon3, Byung-Hyun Shin2 (1. The Institute of Materials Technology, Pusan National University (Korea), 2. Innovative Graduate Education Program for Global High-Tech Materials and Parts, Pusan National University (Korea), 3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University (Korea))

Keywords:SOFC, Ratio of Cr oxide and Fe oxide, Potential with Cr concentration

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