
Oral Session

G. Process » [G-1] Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era

[G1-O402] Oral 402

2023年12月14日(木) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 13 (Room I)

Chair: Manabu Tanaka (Kyushu Univ.)

15:00 〜 15:15

[G1-O402-03] Plasma Reduction of Ionic Gold by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet

*Andrea Jurov1, Aswathy Vasudevan1, Vasyl Shvalya1, Martin Košiček1,2, Janez Zavašnik1, Neelakandan M. Santhosh1, Aleksander Zidanšek2,3,4, Uroš Cvelbar1,2 (1. Department of Gaseous Electronics (F6), Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), 2. International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan (Slovenia), 3. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor (Slovenia), 4. Department of Condensed Matter (F5), Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia))

キーワード:Plasma redox reaction, Atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Gold nanoparticles

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