
Oral Session

C. Environment » [C-2] Carbon Neutral and Sustainable Circulation Technology

[C2-O302] Oral 302

2023年12月13日(水) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 8 (Room H)

Chair: Toshiaki Taira (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)), Yusuke Imai (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

15:20 〜 15:40

*Yoshiki Sugimoto1,2, Tatsunori Shibuya1,3,4, Yusuke Imai1,2, Ryunosuke Kuroda1,3,4 (1. Resource Circulation Tech. Res. Lab., National Inst. of Advanced Indus. Sci. and Tech. (AIST) (Japan), 2. Multi-Material Research Institute, National Inst. of Advanced Indus. Sci. and Tech. (AIST) (Japan), 3. Research Institute for Measurement and Analytical Instrumentation, National Inst. of Advanced Indus. Sci. and Tech. (AIST) (Japan), 4. AIST-UTokyo Advanced Operando-Measurement Technology Open Innovation Laboratory, National Inst. of Advanced Indus. Sci. and Tech. (AIST) (Japan))




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