Presentation information

Oral Session

A. Fundamentals » [A-3] Materials Research by Advanced analysis: Synchrotron radiation and Neutron methods

[A3-O203] Oral 203

Tue. Dec 12, 2023 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Session 18 (Room 510)

Chair: Hendrik Ohldag (Lowrence Berkley National Laboratory)

5:30 PM - 5:50 PM

[A3-O203-03] Application of the µNID Event-Type Micropattern Gaseous Detector to Energy-Resolved Neutron Imaging Techniques at J-PARC

*Joseph Don Parker1, Hirotoshi Hayashida1, Kosuke Hiroi2, Tetsuya Kai2, Yoshihiro Matsumoto1, Takenao Shinohara2, Yu-Hua Su2, Atsushi Takada3, Toru Tanimori3, Yusuke Tsuchikawa2, Yoshiaki Kiyanagi4 (1. CROSS Neutron Science and Technology Center (Japan), 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan), 3. Kyoto University (Japan), 4. Hokkaido University (Japan))

Keywords:Pulsed neutrons, Energy-resolved neutron imaging, Micropattern gaseous detectors

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