
Oral Session

B. Energy » [B-1] Thermoelectric Materials for Sustainable Development

[B1-O501] Oral 501

2023年12月15日(金) 10:00 〜 12:00 Session 4 (Room D)

Chair: Koji Miyazaki (Kyushu Ujiversity), Marco Fronzi (University of Technology Sydney)

10:15 〜 10:30

[B1-O501-02] Effect of the molecular self-assembly under confinement on thermoelectric properties

Gabriele Calabrese1, Raimondo Cecchini1, Matteo Ferri1, Fulvio Mancarella1, Denis Gentili2, Massimiliano Cavallini2, Vittorio Morandi1, *Fabiola Liscio1 (1. CNR - Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) (Italy), 2. CNR - ISMN (Italy))

キーワード:organic thermoelectric materials, local control wetting, soft lithography, confinement, processing, molecular self-assemby

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