
Oral Session

C. Environment » [C-2] Carbon Neutral and Sustainable Circulation Technology

[C2-O402] Oral 402

2023年12月14日(木) 14:00 〜 16:00 Session 8 (Room H)

Chair: Izumi Ichinose (NIMS), Takashi Makino (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

14:20 〜 14:40

[C2-O402-02] Depolymerization of Polyethylene Terephthalate by Dimethyl Carbonate-aided Methanolysis

*Shinji Tanaka1, Yumiko Nakajima1,2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan))

キーワード:Chemical recycling, Catalysis, Methanolysis, Polyethylene terephthalate

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