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Poster Session

E. Softmatter » [E-2] Advanced composite materials for biomedical engineering

[E2-P303] Poster 303

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Poster (Annex)

[E2-P303-03] Injectable Chemically Crosslinked Hydrogels for Long-term Localized Chemotherapy in Brain Tumors

*Shun-Hao Chuang1, Yu-Shuan Chen2,3, Hsieh-Chih Tsai1 (1. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), 2. Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital (Taiwan), 3. Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology (Taiwan))

Keywords:GBM, Local delivery, Injectable, Hydrogels, Drug release

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