
Oral Session

G. Process » [G-1] Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era

[G1-O403] Oral 403

2023年12月14日(木) 16:30 〜 18:30 Session 13 (Room I)

Chair: R. Mohan Sankaran (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

17:00 〜 17:30

[G1-O403-02 (Symposium Invited)] Synthesis of Boron-based Nanomaterials in Triple DC Thermal Plasma

Jeong-Hwan Oh1, Minseok Kim2, Yong Hee Lee1, Tae-Hee Kim3, *Sooseok Choi1 (1. Jeju National Univ. (Korea), 2. UC Riverside (United States of America), 3. Wonkwang Univ. (Korea))

キーワード:Thermal Plasma, BNNT, Metal Boride, Radiation Shielding, Water Splitting

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