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Poster Session

G. Process » [G-1] Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era

[G1-P501] Poster 501

Fri. Dec 15, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster (Annex)

[G1-P501-04] Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Mg Alloys Oxidized by
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet

*Riku Kometani1, Ryuta Ichiki1, Tatsuyuki Nakatani2, Masaki Sonoda3, Takashi Furuki1, Seiji Kanazawa1 (1. Oita Univ. (Japan), 2. Okayama Univ. of Science (Japan), 3. Oita Industrial Research Inst. (Japan))

Keywords:atmospheric-pressure plasma, Mg alloy, Oxidation, Stent

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