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Poster Session

G. Process » [G-1] Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era

[G1-P501] Poster 501

Fri. Dec 15, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster (Annex)

[G1-P501-10] Investigation of the number of fitting bands for Raman spectroscopy in DLC films - using AC HV methane plasma CVD method as an example -

*Yuichi Imai1,2, Hiroyuki Fukue2, Kazuma Tanaka2, Tatsuyuki Nakatani2, Shinsuke Kunitsugu3, Susumu Takabayashi4 (1. STRAWB Inc. (Japan), 2. Okayama University of Science (Japan), 3. Ind. Technol. Cent. Okayama Pref. (Japan), 4. National Inst. Technol., Ariake College (Japan))

Keywords:Raman spectroscopy, DLC, AC HV methane plasma CVD, plasma process

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