JSFM Annual Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Reaction and multiphase systems » Mutiphase flow

Mutiphase flow(6)

Thu. Sep 21, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM room B (L0013)

Chair:Kazuyasu Sugiyama(Osaka Univ.)

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

[B6-02] Attempt on Numerical Simulation of Local Scouring around A Pier Based on A GAL-LES Model

*Takashi Inoue1, Jin Kashiwada1, Yasuo Nihei1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)

Keywords:GAL-LES Model, Local Scouring, River Pier, Inter-Particle Force Model, Solid-Liquid Multiphase Turbulent Flow