

安定性・遷移・乱流 » 乱流


2023年9月20日(水) 13:00 〜 14:20 E室 (L0026)

座長:原 峻平(同志社大学 )

14:00 〜 14:20

[E1-04] Interpretation of dissimilar momentum and heat transfer based on the non-locality of eddy viscosity and diffusivity in a fully developed channel flow

*Tingting Fang1, Zhuchen Liu2, Fujihiro Hamba2, Yosuke Hasegawa2 (1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan, 2. Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan)

キーワード:turbulent transport, dissimilarity between momentum and scalar transfer, non-local eddy viscosity and diffusivity