[HT-07-2] Focality, stochasticity and neuro-anatomic propagation in ALS neurodegeneration
Dr. Ravits went to college at Yale University and medical school at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine. He completed internship and residency in neurology at University of California, San Diego. After residency, he studied neurophysiology and neuromuscular diseases at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and the NINDS. He joined the medical staff of Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, WA and in 2011, he joined the UCSD Neuroscience Department as Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and head of the ALS and Neuromuscular Translational Research Program. He is Fellow of the AAN, ANA and AANEM. He is on the Editorial Board of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the MDA, and the steering committee of the Research Committee on Motor Neuron Diseases of the WFN
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