[OC-05-3] in vivo Gene Therapy for GM2 Gangliosidoses
1977-1981 Kyoto Univ. B.S. - Pharmacy
1981-1983 Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Kyoto Univ., M.S. - Pharmaceut. Sci.
1983-1986 Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., The Tokyo University Ph.D.
Professional Carrier:
1986-1999 Research Scientist (1995~1999 Chief Scientist)
The Tokyo Metropol. lnstit. of Medi. Sci., Tokyo, Japan
1999- Professor (2009- Director), Dept. of Medicin. Biotechnol.,
Inst. for Medicin. Res., Grad. Scl. of P harmaceut. Sci.,Tokushima Univ., Japan
Grants and Awards:
2004-2008 JST CREST Group Research Director
2009-2013 NIBIO Subdirector
2010-2014 MAFF Promot. of Appl. Res. for Agrihealth Sci. PT Subdirector
2013-2015 MEXT KAKENHI (Scientific Research on Innovative Areas)
2014-2016 MEXT KAKENHI (Basic Research, B)
2016-2017 AMED ACT-MS
Research fields: Lysosomal storage diseases, Molecular pathogenesis and therapy
1977-1981 Kyoto Univ. B.S. - Pharmacy
1981-1983 Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Kyoto Univ., M.S. - Pharmaceut. Sci.
1983-1986 Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., The Tokyo University Ph.D.
Professional Carrier:
1986-1999 Research Scientist (1995~1999 Chief Scientist)
The Tokyo Metropol. lnstit. of Medi. Sci., Tokyo, Japan
1999- Professor (2009- Director), Dept. of Medicin. Biotechnol.,
Inst. for Medicin. Res., Grad. Scl. of P harmaceut. Sci.,Tokushima Univ., Japan
Grants and Awards:
2004-2008 JST CREST Group Research Director
2009-2013 NIBIO Subdirector
2010-2014 MAFF Promot. of Appl. Res. for Agrihealth Sci. PT Subdirector
2013-2015 MEXT KAKENHI (Scientific Research on Innovative Areas)
2014-2016 MEXT KAKENHI (Basic Research, B)
2016-2017 AMED ACT-MS
Research fields: Lysosomal storage diseases, Molecular pathogenesis and therapy
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