59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

Presentation information

Overcome the Challenges of Neurological Disorders

[OC-05] Gene & Cell Therapy for Neurological Diseases

Sat. May 26, 2018 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Room 8 (Royton Sapporo / Empress Hall (2F))

Chair: Shin-ichi Muramatsu(Division of Neurology, Jichi Medical University, Japan), Hitoshi Okazawa(Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)

[OC-05-3] in vivo Gene Therapy for GM2 Gangliosidoses

Kohji Itoh1,5, Daisuke Tsuji1, Kyo-ya Ohnishi1, Ryo-suke Watanabe2, Katsuhito Asai3,5, Shin-ichi Muramatsu4,5 (1.Department of Medicinal Biotechnology, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Tokushima University, Japan, 2.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima University, Japan, 3.Gene Therapy Research Institute, Co., Ltd., Japan, 4.Division of Neurology, Jichi Medical University, Japan, 5.TR-SPRINT, AMED, Japan)

1977-1981 Kyoto Univ. B.S. - Pharmacy
1981-1983 Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Kyoto Univ., M.S. - Pharmaceut. Sci.
1983-1986 Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., The Tokyo University Ph.D.

Professional Carrier:
1986-1999 Research Scientist (1995~1999 Chief Scientist)
The Tokyo Metropol. lnstit. of Medi. Sci., Tokyo, Japan
1999- Professor (2009- Director), Dept. of Medicin. Biotechnol.,
Inst. for Medicin. Res., Grad. Scl. of P harmaceut. Sci.,Tokushima Univ., Japan

Grants and Awards:
2004-2008 JST CREST Group Research Director
2009-2013 NIBIO Subdirector
2010-2014 MAFF Promot. of Appl. Res. for Agrihealth Sci. PT Subdirector
2013-2015 MEXT KAKENHI (Scientific Research on Innovative Areas)
2014-2016 MEXT KAKENHI (Basic Research, B)
2016-2017 AMED ACT-MS

Research fields: Lysosomal storage diseases, Molecular pathogenesis and therapy

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