


[SS-03] International tele-education on neurology: how to actively join tele-conference

2019年5月23日(木) 08:00 〜 09:30 第14会場 (大阪国際会議場7F 会議室701-702)

座長:木佐貫 泰(オハイオ州立大学神経内科), 磯部 紀子(九州大学大学院医学研究院脳神経治療学)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.


Riwanti Estiasari1, Darma Imran1,2, Kartika Maharani1,2, David Pangeran1, Nopa Krismanto4, Aria Kekalih3 (1.Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 2.Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, 3.Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 4.IT Division, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.


磯部 紀子 (九州大学病院 脳神経治療学)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.


宇川 義一 (福島県立医科大学病院 神経再生医療学講座)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.


西野 一三 (国立精神・神経医療研究センター 神経研究所 疾病研究第一部)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.


木佐貫 泰 (Department of Neurology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center)

The importance and needs of tele-conference are rapidly gowing in the world. There is a considerable barrier for non-native speakers including Japanese to actively join such international or even local tele-conferences in English. In this symposium, examples of international case conferences and tele-education are presented by experienced experts. We would like to discuss the future plans of tele-conference and tele-education which the Japanese Society of Neurology should promote. Furthermore, we would like to encourage young colleagues to join this symposium to learn some tips of acively participating in such tele-meetings.
