森 桂, 及川 恵美子, 阿部 幸喜, 中山 佳保里 (厚生労働省政策統括官付(統計・情報政策、政策評価担当)国際分類情報管理室)
In this new ICD, stroke for the first time is recognized as a neurological disorder since 1955. However, many challenges remain in some areas such as dementia. Prof Shakir the immediate past President of WFN and Chair of the ICD 11 Neurology TAG (Topic Advisory Group) and others will explain this complicated story. It would be of great value for neurologists to understand the structure of ICD-11 and the position of neurology among other fields of medicine. In addition, Japan has been a crucial contributor throughout the ICD-11 process, which will be explained by Dr. Mori form MHWL.