


[HT-01] α-Synuclein and beyond: Find out the true culprit causing neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease!

2019年5月22日(水) 09:50 〜 11:50 第6会場 (大阪国際会議場10F 会議室1009)

座長:徳田 隆彦(京都府立医科大学分子脳病態解析学(神経内科学併任)), 高橋 一司(埼玉医科大学 神経内科)

[HT-01-3] 局所単独あるいは多巣性のレヴィ小体病には軸索の高度分岐という共通の構造背景がある

内原 俊記1,2 (1.新渡戸記念中野総合病院 神経内科・脳神経研究室, 2.東京医科歯科大学 脳神経病態学)

α-Synuclein is a primary component of Lewy bodies, and mutations / overexpression of it cause Parkinson’s disease (PD). Besides, Braak and colleagues identified Lewy pathologies, namely α-synuclein deposition, in various regions of human brains, and demonstrated the temporal sequence of α-synuclein pathologies that emerge in the brains of PD. However, the relationship between α-synuclein deposition and neuronal dysfunction / neuronal death and underlying mechanisms connecting them are still unclear. Is α-synuclein a true culprit of neurodegeneration in PD? If so, what are the precise molecular mechanisms involved with the neurotoxicity of α-synuclein? What other factors contribute to neurodegeneration in PD? Now it is high time that we should know the details molecular mechanisms involved with neurodegeneration in PD. Does α-Synuclein itself cause neurodegeneration or need other factors, namely α-synuclein and beyond?

1976-82 Tokyo Medical and Dental University (MD)
1982-88 Clinical training in Internal Medicine and Neurology @ Okinawa Chubu Hospital, Musashino Red Cross Hospital & Asahi General Hospital
1988-90 Junior Researcher in Neuropathology @ Tokyo Instittute of Psychiatry
1990-97 Staff Neurologist, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital
Bursier du gouvernement francais @ Hôpital de la Salpêterière, Neuropathologie (1994-96)
1997-2011 PI of Neuropathology@Tokyo Metropolitan Institute fo Neuroscience
2011-18 Cheif, Structural Neuropathology@Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2018- Chief, Neurology with Neuromorphomics Lab@Nitobe-Memorial Nakano General Hosp
2018- Research Professor, Neurology and Neurological Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ

Certificates: Neurology, General Internal Medicine, Dementia
Board Member: Acta Neuropathologica (2005- present), Acta Neuropathol Comm (2013-16)
Neuropathology (2010-)

