


[HT-03] Newly Emerging Concepts on PSP and CBD

2019年5月22日(水) 13:20 〜 15:20 第6会場 (大阪国際会議場10F 会議室1009)

座長:伊東 秀文(和歌山県立医科大学脳神経内科), 池内 健(新潟大学脳研究所生命科学リソース研究センター)

[HT-03-3] 進行性核上性麻痺における遺伝子解析研究

矢部 一郎 (北海道大学大学院医学研究院 神経病態学分野神経内科学教室)

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD) are neuropathologically characterized by accumulation of phosphorylated 4-repeat tau in brain. Clinical diagnosis of PSP and CBD is challenging because correlation between clinical phenotypes and underlying neuropathological findings is often inconsistent. Recently, new criteria for PSP diagnosis have been proposed by the Movement Disorder Society-endorsed Study Group. In addition, genetic analysis and molecular imaging study now provide useful information to make accurate diagnosis of PSP and CBD. With disease-modifying therapies being developed, accurate diagnosis of patients in early-stage disease is becoming more urgent. In this symposium, we will discuss how we can make diagnosis of PSP and CBD efficiently on the basis of recent progress of clinical, genetic, neuropathological and neuroimaging analyses.

M.D., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 1991
Ph.D., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 2002

The Board of Clinical Neurology ( The Japanese society of Neurology) , 1995
The Board of Clinical Genetics ( The Japan society of Human Genetics) , 1997
The Board of Internal Medicine (The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine), 2015

2003-2005 Assistant professor, Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University
2005-2006 Lecturer, Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University
2006-present Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University
2011-present Clinical Professor, Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University Hospital
2012-present Head, Division of Clinical Genetics, Hokkaido University Hospital
2017(Jan~Mar) Houston Methodist Research Institute (Houston, TX USA)・Visiting Scientist/Professor

