

Plenary セッション

[PL] Plenary Lecture
The depth and breadth of antibody-mediated neurological diseases

2019年5月23日(木) 11:00 〜 11:45 第1会場 (大阪国際会議場5F 大ホール)

座長:楠 進(近畿大学医学部神経内科)

[PL-1] The depth and breadth of antibody-mediated neurological diseases

Angela Vincent (University of Oxford; University of London)

Angela Vincent is Emeritus Professor of Neuroimmunology at the University of Oxford. She is medically qualified with an MSc in Biochemistry. In 1977 she joined John Newsom-Davis in London to establish a neuroimmunology group which continued in Oxford when he was elected Prof of Neurology (1987). In 1992 she was appointed Honorary Consultant in Immunology and she led the Neuroimmunology Service for 25 years. She was President of the International Society of Neuroimmunology (2001-2004), Head of Department of Clinical Neurology (2005-2008) and an associate editor of Brain (2004-2013). She was awarded the Association of British Neurologists medal (2009) and the WFN Medal for scientific contributions to neurology (2017, Kyoto). In 2011 she was elected Fellow of the Royal Society. Previous and current interests include studies on patients with autoimmune disorders of the neuromuscular junction disorders (antibodies to myasthenia, MuSK-myasthenia, neuromyotonia) and the CNS associated (eg. antibodies to LGI1 and CASPR2, AQP4, MOG, NMDA and glycine receptors). She also pioneered the role of maternal antibodies in causing neurodevelopmental disorders. She has tried to improve antibody assay techniques for better clinical diagnosis, and has established experimental models for investigation of the pathophysiology of the diseases.

