


[S-15] Dementia and cognitive neurology: recent advances

2019年5月23日(木) 15:35 〜 17:35 第5会場 (大阪国際会議場10F 会議室1005-1007)

座長:東海林 幹夫(弘前大学大学院医学研究科脳神経内科学講座), 大槻 美佳(北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院)

[S-15-4] Logopenic型進行性失語と進行性の超皮質性感覚失語

船山 道隆 (足利赤十字病院 神経精神科)

Neuropsychological findings are useful clue for adequate diagnosis of dementia. In this session, the topics and the trends of cognitive neurology/neuropsychology regarding dementia are introduced and will bring clinicians useful information. First, recent advance of Neurocognitive evaluation of dementia second, clinico-pathological investigation of a new entity: primary progressive AOS, third, pathological correlation with non fluent variant primary progressive aphasia, and finally, variation of SD and LPA will be presented.

Dr. Michitaka Funayama graduated from Keio University School of Medicine in 1996 and completed his doctoral degree at neuropsychiatric department at the same university. He is a board certified specialist in psychiatry and now is head of neuropsychiatry department at Ashikaga Red Cross Hospital. He specializes in neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology and psychiatry and serves as an editor for Japan Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction and Neuropsychology Association of Japan.

