


[HT-11] ホットトピックス11
パーキンソン病の診断・進行バイオマーカー update

2020年9月1日(火) 14:15 〜 15:45 第01会場 (岡山コンベンションセンター 4F 405会議室)

座長:冨山 誠彦(弘前大学大学院医学研究科脳神経内科学講座),前田 哲也(岩手医科大学医学部内科学講座脳神経内科・老年科分野)

波田野 琢1, 竹重 遥香1, 小川 崇1, 奥住 文美1, 鎌形 康司2, 青木 茂樹2, 服部 信孝1 (1.順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 脳神経内科, 2.順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 放射線科)

Biomarkers related to the diagnosis and progression of Parkinson's disease are significant for early diagnosis including prodromal stage, prognosis, and development of novel therapies. Even now, there are excellent biomarkers, and although diagnostic criteria for the prodromal stage have been proposed, improvement in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is inevitable. Based on such a background, recent advances in visualization technology using MRI and nuclear medicine, a more in-depth understanding of the effects of gut microbiota on the pathology, advances in blood biomarker measurement technology such as α-synuclein, and skin pathology are something amazing. In this session, symposists who are specialists in each field will provide the latest information and knowledge. We hope young researchers will envision the direction and potential of future research and encourage their research minds.

平山 正昭 (名古屋大学)

Biomarkers related to the diagnosis and progression of Parkinson's disease are significant for early diagnosis including prodromal stage, prognosis, and development of novel therapies. Even now, there are excellent biomarkers, and although diagnostic criteria for the prodromal stage have been proposed, improvement in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is inevitable. Based on such a background, recent advances in visualization technology using MRI and nuclear medicine, a more in-depth understanding of the effects of gut microbiota on the pathology, advances in blood biomarker measurement technology such as α-synuclein, and skin pathology are something amazing. In this session, symposists who are specialists in each field will provide the latest information and knowledge. We hope young researchers will envision the direction and potential of future research and encourage their research minds.

徳田 隆彦 (京都府立医科大学分子脳病態解析学)

Biomarkers related to the diagnosis and progression of Parkinson's disease are significant for early diagnosis including prodromal stage, prognosis, and development of novel therapies. Even now, there are excellent biomarkers, and although diagnostic criteria for the prodromal stage have been proposed, improvement in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is inevitable. Based on such a background, recent advances in visualization technology using MRI and nuclear medicine, a more in-depth understanding of the effects of gut microbiota on the pathology, advances in blood biomarker measurement technology such as α-synuclein, and skin pathology are something amazing. In this session, symposists who are specialists in each field will provide the latest information and knowledge. We hope young researchers will envision the direction and potential of future research and encourage their research minds.

仙石 錬平 (東京都健康長寿医療センター 神経内科・神経病理学研究(高齢者ブレインバンク))

Biomarkers related to the diagnosis and progression of Parkinson's disease are significant for early diagnosis including prodromal stage, prognosis, and development of novel therapies. Even now, there are excellent biomarkers, and although diagnostic criteria for the prodromal stage have been proposed, improvement in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is inevitable. Based on such a background, recent advances in visualization technology using MRI and nuclear medicine, a more in-depth understanding of the effects of gut microbiota on the pathology, advances in blood biomarker measurement technology such as α-synuclein, and skin pathology are something amazing. In this session, symposists who are specialists in each field will provide the latest information and knowledge. We hope young researchers will envision the direction and potential of future research and encourage their research minds.