Presentation information

Emerging Session

[Em-01] Emerging Session 01
Emerging Asian Neurology Session 01 for Stroke and the Neurosciences

Mon. Aug 31, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room 10 (Okayama Prefectural Medical Association 2F miki anniversary Hall)

Chair:KojiAbe(Department of Neurology, Okayama University),Kay SinTan(Kuala Lumpur University)

[Em-01-5] Optochemogenetic Stimulation of Transplanted Cells Improves Neuronal Repair after Ischemic Stroke

Lin Wei (Emory University, USA)

Asian countries are the emerging area of the world not only in economy and culture, but also neurology and neurosceince. This symposium focuses on several neurology topics especially emerging areas of neurology in the emerging Asian countries. Session 1 will focus on Stroke and the Neurosciences with world famous neuroogists and neuroscientists from Asia and USA. Session 2 will focus on Dementia and stem cell therapy with world famous neuroogists and neuroscientists again from Asia and USA.

EDUCATION: Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing China M.D. (1982)
SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, Postdoctoral training (1993)
Instructor/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor Washington University Cell Biology & Physiology
Neurology 1995-2002
Assistant/Associate Professor/Professor
(with tenure after 2004) Medical University of South Carolina Pathology 2003-2008

American Heart Association and Bugher award (2000)
American Heart Association Establishment Investigator Award (2007-2012)
PPSSC Everfront Award for Stem Cell and Cancer Research (2019)

• Book: Co-author of book chapters: 15
• Peer-reviewed research articles: 115
• Review articles: Co-author: 14
• Author/Co-author of Abstracts in national and international meetings: >130
• Oral presentation in national and international meetings: 20
• Invited lectures at other institutions: >20
H-index: 52
• R01 NS091585 03/01/2016 to 02/28/2021
NIH/NINDS: Stem cell transplantation therapy via intranasal delivery after stroke;
Role: PI
• R42 NS073378-03A1 05/01/2015 to 04/30/2020
NIH/NINDS: Stroke Treatment by Chemically-induced Hypothermia; Role: Co-investigator (PI: Shan Ping Yu, Tom Dix)
• Veterans Affair Merit Grant RX001473 01/01/2018 to 12/30/2022
Novel Regenerative Treatment of TBI and Prost-TBI Depression
Role: Co-investigator

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