


[HT-01] ホットトピックス01
Front line of neuromodulation by non-invasive brain stimulation - from basic to clinical

2020年8月31日(月) 10:30 〜 12:00 第01会場 (岡山コンベンションセンター 4F 405会議室)

座長:寺尾 安生(杏林大学医学部 病態生理学教室),花島 律子(鳥取大学医学部脳神経医科学講座脳神経内科学分野)

[HT-01-1] 経頭蓋的静磁場刺激の最近の話題

美馬 達哉 (立命館大学 先端総合学研究科)

Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS), being safe to implement without much burden to the patients, has now come to be used world-wide as measures for treating patients with various psychiatric and neurological disorders and for the functional intervention in patients undergoing rehabilitation. In this symposium, cutting-edge researches will be presented on the basic mechanisms of NIBS as a method for neuromodulation and its clinical application.

Tatsuya Mima, M.D., Ph.D. is a neuroscientist and qualified neurologist.
He graduated from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 1990 and got his Ph.D. degree in Brain Pathophysiology at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in 1997. After spending couples of years in NINDS, National Institutes of Health, MD, USA, he served as Associate Professor of Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine and currently (from 2015) Professor in The Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, leading multidisciplinary researches. He also has clinical appointments in Kyoto University Hospital.
His publication lists can be found at researchmap.

